Human capital-related strategies, indicators, and targets
PMWV (Purpose, Mission, MIXI Way, and Values) is our corporate philosophy, and we conduct a diverse mix of business operations to expand our PMWV-based communication businesses in the areas of Digital Entertainment, Lifestyle, Sports, and Investment.
Our Mission of providing space and opportunity for truly meaningful connections supports us in realizing our Purpose of enriching communication and inspiring moments of joy. We provide space and opportunity for truly meaningful connections by releasing communication services. The human capital working on these services are some of our most important assets as they create value and give us a competitive edge, so we proactively invest in them.
In order to continuously develop and operate communication services in our unique style, we have positioned PMWV awareness and the demonstration of corporate ability as key axes of our human capital investment policy. PMWV awareness refers to the ability of our businesses to understand shared corporate goals, and the demonstration of corporate ability refers to the ability to realize these goals through the understanding and execution of specific methods.
We maximize the value of human capital through initiatives that utilize both PMWV awareness and the demonstration of corporate ability, and the development of HR measures that strengthen these two axes.

1. PMWV awareness
Achieving PMWV awareness means that all MIXI employees share the same goals and values and are committed to achieving them. We redefined our philosophy and established PMWV in April 2022. We promote the initiatives below with the aim of having each of our employees deeply identify with PMWV and become more proactive.
|Establishment of the PMWV Promotion Committee
We established the PMWV Promotion Committee with members of several departments to execute measures related to PMWV awareness. The goal of the committee is to maximize the effectiveness of activities through collaboration and progress management, and to contribute to creating culture unique to MIXI.
|Communication from upper management
Led by our management team, we actively communicate about PMWV through both internal media, such as the company newsletter and company-wide general meetings, and external media, such as articles. In addition, we strengthened communication through the organizational hierarchy by adding an item on PMWV communication to the 360-degree feedback of chief general managers and general managers, and are facilitating faster understanding and communication of the current state of affairs.
|Creating atmosphere through design
Using our company’s creativity, the design of our equipment and facilities incorporate PMWV. The objective is to raise awareness of PMWV by adding PMWV touchpoints, and foster a sense of unity within the company through unified design.
|MIXI AWARD (internal award event)
Once a year, we hold an internal award event called MIXI AWARD. Since FY2023, PMWV has been used as a selection criterion, and awards have been given to individuals and teams that embody PMWV, based on employee recommendations. By introducing PMWV as an award category, we hope to spread understanding of PMWV and increase motivation.
|Recruitment and training of new graduates
We see new graduates as the ones who will carry on our culture, and have made identifying with our Purpose and demonstrating our Values a requirement for hiring. In addition, everything is designed with PMWV in mind, from the job offer period to post-hire training, as well as events such as company orientation and initiation.
As a result of the initiatives above, an internal survey conducted in September 2023 showed that PMWV was understood by 85.7% of respondents. In the future, we are considering applying this to mid-career hiring requirements and appointment criteria for managers, as well as incorporating it into the evaluation system. By the end of FY2026, we aim to maintain a positive response rate of at least 85% for the action phase.
End of FY2023 | End of FY2024 | End of FY2026(Target) | |
Recognition | 69.8% | 84.3% | 100% |
Understanding | 74.8% | 85.7% | 95% or more |
Identification | 70.8% | 76.9% | 90% or more |
Action | 56.5% | 67.1% | 85% or more |
2. Demonstration of corporate ability
The goal of the demonstration of corporate ability is the creation of communication services unique to MIXI and the preparation for long-term operation on an individual and group level.
We are making progress in our initiative of formalizing information such as the optimal organizational structures and necessary capabilities for each business phase, the mechanisms for growing long-term profitability, and what makes our communication services unique to us by reviewing our services that created new communication culture, including the social network mixi and MONSTER STRIKE. We aim to increase our ability to produce businesses in our style by improving how knowledge is passed down, using our formalized information as a basis for creating and operating communication services unique to MIXI and to prepare systems for personnel development and business creation.
The action plan for this initiative is as follows.
End of FY2025 | End of FY2026 | Until the end of FY2029 | |
Propagation of MIXI’s unique drivers of success | • Provide practical learning opportunities for managing a business• Design training programs aimed at all employees | • Pass on business-management expertise to the next generation• Conduct training aimed at all employees | Aim for continuous execution of training and assignment of personnel in line with business plans (short-, medium-, and long-term) by applying the PDCA cycle to the action plans to the left. |
Improving business execution | • Develop more employees capable of leading in product development• Consider the optimal organizational structures for each phase of business | • Strategically assign key personnel for businesses• Create an environment that promotes the creation of new businesses (provide opportunity) |
3. Personnel measures
The mission of our HR department is to create an environment in which all employees strive to embody PMWV daily, and to provide opportunities for job satisfaction and growth, leading to the growth and development of the entire company. We are developing the following HR measures based on the axes of PMWV awareness and the demonstration of corporate ability.
⬩ Manager empowerment
⬩ Improvement of individual performance (via training / work style)
⬩ Strengthening team capabilities
⬩ Ensuring diversity
⬩ Thorough compliance education
⬩ Initiatives for improving the measures above
Details of each measure are provided below.
Manager empowerment
We see the strengthening of managers as a top priority in order to increase PMWV awareness and individual performance, which will be discussed later in this report. We have defined the roles of managers at each level for organizational management, and are strengthening our initiatives starting from the top to ensure that managers can appropriately fulfill their roles.
|Role definition
The “MIXI Management Beliefs” we established in 2020 as a set of guidelines for the actions of management-level personnel have been expanded to incorporate definitions for all manager positions (chief general manager, general manager, and manager). We are developing various training measures based on these role definitions. We envision these role definitions as an evaluation standard for the appointment of managers in the future.
|360-degree feedback
We conduct a 360-degree feedback session once a year for everyone from the President and Representative Director to general managers. Questions are asked according to our definition for each role, feedback is provided on actual actions by those around them, and individual support is given for initiatives addressing issues. The purpose of this session is to further individual growth, and the results are not linked to evaluations.
|Training meetings and the executive succession plan
Training meetings are held twice a year for senior corporate officers, corporate officers, and chief general managers. Those for corporate officers and chief general managers also include MIXI’s executive succession plan. (The Company considers directors and senior corporate officers to be executives because corporate officers and chief general managers are the candidates to become executives for the following generation.) Senior corporate officers are in charge of training corporate officers and chief general managers, and internal directors are in charge of training senior corporate officers to promote their further individual growth. In the future, we plan to expand the scope of training meetings to include general managers.
|Providing learning opportunities for general managers and above
We provide training in areas such as management strategy theory, corporate governance, leadership theory, marketing theory, finance, and team building for internal directors and employees at the general manager level and above. We also have incorporated sending employees to external training programs and coaching for individual issues.
|Follow-up measures for newly appointed managers
In addition to orientation and mindset training upon appointment, an interview with HR is held three months after instatement for all managers. In addition, evaluation training is conducted with appropriate timing for evaluations.
We provide voluntary training for the skills necessary for one-on-one meetings with subordinates (employees in leadership positions may also participate if they wish) and offer coaching or dispatch to external training programs for individual issues.
Improvement of individual performance (via training)
The following initiatives are being undertaken with the aim of improving corporate productivity by encouraging the activities and growth of employees and enhancing their individual performance. The FY2024 budget for training and self-development expenses per employee is 97,271 yen for the whole fiscal year (21,184 yen higher than the previous year).
|Revision of the personnel system
The personnel system was revised in April 2022. The system policy was implemented to support the activity and growth of employees and to allow for flexible operations that accommodate a wide range of businesses and employees.
While the “ability grading system” is used to apply grades as in the previous system, the revised system uses a “role grading system” for upper grades, with rank and monetary adjustments based on role fulfillment and results. The revised system makes it easier to advance the careers of employees with potential for success based on their expected future roles as well as their existing abilities, thereby creating a well-balanced personnel system.
In addition, grade definitions were comprehensively reviewed, and management methods were revised to match and to facilitate development through competency evaluations. The new grade definitions include the elements expected of our employees for each grade, and are designed so that supervisor evaluations and self-evaluations can be adjusted for each item, so that employees can recognize what they have done well and what they need to improve on, leading to employee growth.
|Supporting the operation of the personnel system
In order to properly operate the system described above, we are training evaluators and provide on-site support through the HR department. Setting goals and providing feedback is commonly understood throughout the company to be important for proper evaluations and from a developmental perspective.
In addition, given the system’s high degree of operational freedom, we aim for proper operation of the system for each part of the company and integrity throughout MIXI by strengthening collaboration through HR attendance and HRBPs (human resources business partners) at the department evaluation council.
|Training meetings within departments
Several departments independently conduct training meetings. Discussions are held on a regular basis by HRBPs affiliated with the department (or with HR support) on topics such as the development of incoming managers and individual activities and growth, depending on the organizational and personnel status of each department.
One-on-ones are a long-standing part of our culture are are conducted with superiors, subordinates, and colleagues. The content of these one-on-ones varies widely, ranging from career counseling and mid-term evaluations to daily business consultations and personal topics. With each employee taking advantage of one-on-ones according to their current situation, these meetings have become an established part of our culture.
To make one-on-ones more meaningful, we provide a guide for managers on the basics of one-on-ones and, on request, offer in-house training on the skills necessary for one-on-ones, such as listening and acknowledgement.
|Elective training
We provide learning opportunities for all employees in cooperation with external organizations so that employees can receive training on the theme of their choice in the form of elective training.
|Training new graduates
We provide training for prospective employees, including training in which they confront their own issues and further improve their sense of responsibility and collaboration, and training camps where they spend two days and one night. We also provide training for new graduates and follow-up on-the-job training (OJT) after their assignment to support their smooth transition to a new environment. Additionally, we provide training for those in charge of OJT and support their activities as trainers. Finally, we provide training every year until the third year of employment, giving employees ample opportunity to reflect on their growth.
Improvement of individual performance (via work style)
We are developing an environment in which a diverse range of personnel can play an active role by providing options to suit the characteristics of our businesses and the various values, lifestyles, and stages of life of our employees.
At the same time, we emphasize health as we believe this an essential factor in individual career sustainability. To this end, we are actively working to create a working environment that takes into consideration the health of our employees by enhancing our leave system and promoting a health-conscious, balanced work style.
Through these initiatives, we aim to create a work environment that fosters innovation and growth for our company by allowing each employee to display their full potential and planning how each employee can lead a fulfilling professional life.
|Marble Work style – Promoting flexibility in work styles
We have introduced a system we call a Marble Work style, which makes the most out of the advantages of both remote and office work. This system allows different parts of the company to choose the optimal frequency with which to go to the office, and allows employees to live anywhere in Japan as long as they can come to work by 12:00 PM. (This system was introduced in July 2020 and officially implemented in April 2022.) As of March 31, 2024, there are 51 employees that live far from the office.
In April 2023, we introduced a full-flextime system on a trial basis to increase flexibility in working hours and launched the Marble Location system, which allows employees to work at a “third place” (not the home or office) to increase flexibility in working location. The total number of employees who used these systems in FY2023 is 184.
By adding flexibility to work styles at MIXI in terms of working hours and location, we respect our employees’ values and lifestyles. Different parts of the company can set the frequency of office days that best fits the phase of their business. This creates an environment conducive to achieving results for individuals and the company.
|Increase of retirement age and life planning support
In response to changes such as the increase in the average age of employees and the aging of the population in Japan, we are striving to create a work environment in which employees can continue to work regardless of their age. In April 2023, we took steps to realize these goals by increasing the mandatory retirement age from 60 to 65 years old and introducing a reemployment system so that employees 65 and older can work until they’re 70.
We also believe that it is important for all employees, not just those nearing retirement age, to think ahead and visualize their futures in terms of work style, careers, and post-retirement, and started providing periodic life planning and finance seminars for employees in April 2023.
In this way, we support our employees in planning out their life and career, and becoming independent so that they have greater freedom at every stage of their life.
|Parental leave and return-to-work rates
For employees raising children under elementary school age, we have introduced a shortened working hours flextime system in addition to the existing shortened working hours system. This system allows employees to work shorter hours and also make use of a flextime system, enabling them to work in an even more flexible manner depending on their work duties. As a result, the rate of women taking parental leave and returning to work afterward continues to be 100%. In addition, the rate of male employees taking childcare leave was 37.5% (as of March 2024). We will continue to provide support to enable both men and women to work in a way that is compatible with family life and childcare.
|Enhancement of our leave system and the promotion of long-term leave
In April 2023, we made our leave system more flexible so that employees could work with peace of mind through changes in their stage of life and mental or physical condition.
|Establishing care leave
In April 2023, care leave was established to allow employees to take care of themselves or family members (up to second-degree relatives).
|Expanding reserve leave
In April 2021, reserve leave was established to allow employees to store their expired leave days for later use. When we introduced reserve leave, it was designed to be used only for specific reasons such as personal illness, disasters, bereavement, and family celebrations. However, with employee feedback from surveys and after testing, we added more flexibility to reserve leave in April 2023 by allowing it to be used for prenatal visits for the employee or their partner, and family care (up to second-degree relatives). And starting FY2023, we began promoting the use of long-term leave by utilizing the existing MIXIBREAK (a measure in which every 5 years of continuous service, an employee is rewarded 5 days of special leave and incentive payments). We hope that taking an extended vacation will lead to motivation at work and new opportunities that spark creativity through experiences that are not normally available.
|Promotion of health management
MIXI was recognized by the 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program. For the second consecutive year since 2022, we aim to improve long-term business stability through the effects of improved employee health, such as increased productivity and longer tenure. In addition to basic health management initiatives such as the use and promotion of health checkups and medical examinations, stress checks, etc., we are working on health guidance, improving health literacy, support for balancing work and treatment of illness, measures to prevent infectious diseases, and measures for employees who work long hours, and have introduced an employee support program. In the future, we will also place focus on further health support and preventative measures for employees by conducting cross-tabulations using data gathered by introducing the health management system.
Strengthening team capabilities
In addition to improving the performance of individual employees, the following initiatives are being undertaken to ensure that our employees are capable of delivering results as a team.
|Team building training
In addition to training directors, senior corporate officers, and chief general managers, we provide training, mainly for managers who lead businesses and organizations, that lets participants experience the importance of team building and improve interactions between managers as well as parts of the company. We also assist training participants in implementing team-building initiatives in their own part of the company.
|Improving the onboarding process
For mid-career employees, the HR Department conducts a general orientation on the first day of employment. The orientation consists of a greeting from the president, an introduction to our corporate philosophy, a tour of the office, and explanations of the tools used throughout the company. We have established a system in which employees can always access necessary information, internal systems, and rules on a dedicated website for new employees.
Once new employees start work, their section’s onboarding process begins. Those in charge of onboarding and HR communicate in advance and collaborate using their methodology and expertise for the onboarding process.
Onboarding status is monitored by HR through interviews held one month / three months after employment.
|Various systems
We partially subsidize the cost of social and team building opportunities for each part of the company. We also have an internal club system to promote interaction outside of work.
Ensuring diversity
“Diversity, equity, and inclusion” is one of our material issues, and we are creating a culture that uses the advantages diversity brings.
While we will make continuous efforts to promote diversity, specific targets are set with an eye to optimizing the organizational structure in line with our strategy, policies, and business growth. Currently, we are closely monitoring the appointment of women, mid-career employees, and foreign employees to management positions, and the status is as follows.
Ratios of women, mid-career employees, and foreign nationals (non-consolidated) as of March 31, 2024
Percentage of total employees | Percentage of management positions | Percentage of employees up to manager-level positions | |
Female employees | 31.1% | 17.6% | 22.2% |
Mid-career employees | 87.1% | 92.2% | 90.6% |
Foreign employees | 3.1% | 2.0% | 2.8% |
We have set a target of maintaining a ratio of at least 17% female employees in management positions on March 31, 2025.
To achieve this target, we are undertaking initiatives to create a comfortable working environment for a diverse workforce.
Every year, all employees are required to undergo e-learning, which encourages employees to respect each other not only in terms of gender, nationality, and cultural diversity, but also in terms of sexual orientation, gender identity, values, and lifestyle.
In addition, our employment regulations clearly stipulate respect for gender diversity (LGBTQ+). In addition to prohibiting unwanted sexual behavior and discrimination, under our “Definition of Partnership Equivalent to Marriage”, we treat partners in same-sex marriages the same as those in opposite-sex marriages and provide monetary marriage gifts and leave for celebrations/bereavement in the same manner.
The ratios of female employees in the group are as follows. Due to the difference in HR systems for each company, we currently only have non-consolidated targets. We will begin establishing group-wide targets and action plans in stages.
Ratios of women (consolidated) as of March 31, 2024
Percentage of total employees | Percentage of management positions | Percentage of employees up to manager-level positions |
29.7% | 16.0% | 21.0% |
Thorough compliance education
As part of our compliance training, we provide crisis management training via e-learning. The training is targeted at all employees, and we achieve a 100% participation rate every year. The content of the crisis management training consists of seven required courses on topics such as compliance basics, business conduct guidelines, information security, and harassment training.
Initiatives for improving the measures above
In developing these measures more effectively, we are also promoting the following initiatives.
|HRBP collaboration
As we have a diverse spread of businesses unique in organizational scale and circumstances, rather than uniformly applying company-wide rules to all HR-related measures, we present operational methods in customizable “styles”, enabling optimized operations for each department while still centered around a common “core” for the entire company. In order to maintain a balance between the optimization of each department and the optimization of the company as a whole, we appoint an organizational support staff member from the HR Department to each department. They collaborate with the HRBPs in each department to share information throughout the company and support organizational development.
|Visualization and centralization of employee data
We’ve introduced a talent management system to visualize and centralize personnel data. We consolidate and manage information on employees’ experience, skills, history at the company, and evaluations in order to assign employees to fitting positions as well as for training purposes.
|Company-wide organizational survey
We are considering how to verify the effectiveness of each HR measure based on the data from the engagement survey described below. By measuring the effect of each measure on their target level of employee, we verify the effectiveness of each measure and the synergy measures have with each other.
4. Employee engagement
Employee engagement is used as a measure of the effectiveness of human capital initiatives. Employee engagement measures employees’ identification with the company’s policies and plans and their drive to work with initiative and pride, and correlates with their identification with PMWV and how much of their potential growth and capabilities they demonstrate.
|Engagement survey overview
We have conducted annual engagement surveys of all employees since 2021. Past survey results confirm that engagement scores in our company are associated with employee performance and turnover rate.
The results of the survey, feedback, and action plans for high priority issues are given to management and each internal structure to improve engagement throughout the company. The results of the survey are communicated and disclosed to the entire company. The response rate for FY2023 was 91%.
|Engagement score
The engagement score is the total percentage of positive responses to the three questions in the survey regarding “willingness to contribute voluntarily”, “attachment to and pride in the company”, and “sense of accomplishment through work”.
Engagement scores for the past three years are shown below, with the FY2024 results reaching the target of 70%, and the FY2025 target set at 75%.
FY2022 | FY2023 | FY2024 | FY2025(Target) |
66% | 67% | 72% | 75% or more |
|Our strengths (points to maintain)
When viewing items with a high positive response rate (70% or higher) among items that highly correlate with engagement scores, we see that one of our strengths is that “a well-prepared work environment in tandem with good interpersonal relationships lead to many employees who are properly recognized and evaluated for their performance and show high levels of engagement with work”.