MIXI, Inc.


Contributing to Shibuya

S-SAP Agreement Entered With Shibuya City

On July 14, 2023, MIXI, Inc. (hereinafter, “MIXI”) entered the S-SAP (Shibuya City Social Action Partner) Agreement with Shibuya City. The S-SAP Agreement is a public-private partnership agreement under which companies, universities, and other organizations based in Shibuya work together with the city to solve social issues in the area.

Since fiscal year 2019, MIXI has been promoting various social contribution activities mainly focused on the development of the next generation. This is being achieved through means such as programming and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) learning support at Shibuya City junior high schools and provision of original learning materials for club activities. We have entered the S-SAP Agreement in order to continue our efforts to solve local issues, including those in other areas, in the future.

Tokyo Football Club Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of MIXI that operates F.C.Tokyo) has also been participating in social contribution activities in Shibuya City in disaster preparedness and environmental areas. This is being achieved through means such as running a booth at disaster drills, as well as producing educational videos on recycling, garbage separation, and graffiti prevention.

Areas of the Agreement
  1. Support for development of the next generation
  2. Support for sports promotion
  3. Support for environmental conservation
  4. Support for advancement of disaster preparedness and safety
  5. Support for advancement of social diversity
  6. Other support where mutual cooperation and collaboration are deemed necessary

More Information on the Agreement
https://www.city.shibuya.tokyo.jp/kusei/ssap/ssap-dantai/mixi_fc.html (Japanese)

S-SAP Agreement Entered With Shibuya City

Programming education support

With the recent trend toward digitalization in schools, including programming education, integrating tech into the classroom, and increased focus on the STEAM fields, MIXI is committed to supporting education and contributing to communities by drawing upon our expertise in the field. Since June 2019, we have been participating in the Kids VALLEY Future Learning Project, as well as providing support to extracurricular programs and public and private junior high schools in the area. Through our activities, we are working to produce the next generation of tech professionals right here in Shibuya.

What is Kids VALLEY?
Kids VALLEY is a joint effort of Tokyu Corporation, CyberAgent, Inc., DeNA Co., Ltd., GMO Internet Group, Inc., MIXI, Inc., and the Shibuya City Board of Education. The Kids VALLEY Future Learning Project advances programming education with the goal of giving students in Shibuya the outlook and skills they need to lead the next generation of tech professionals.

Main initiatives

We are pursuing the following initiatives with a focus on content development and staffing to implement effective programming education.


We are committed to connecting with the community to implement educational support for different groups in the following ways.

We dispatch instructors to all public junior high schools in Shibuya.

We lend tablets to all elementary and junior high school students in Shibuya. In addition, the junior high school classes we support are taught with an original, more challenging curriculum that has students using the programming language Python (pictured right).

Project-based learning (PBL*) classroom support
*PBL can stand for either project-based learning or problem-based learning.

Project-based learning, in which students actively identify and solve problems on their own, rather than passively learning, has been the focus of much attention in recent years and is emphasized in the recently implemented reforms to curriculum guidelines. Through the Kids VALLEY classroom support program, MIXI gives students opportunities to research and learn about social issues using original software, such as MIXI Block Island (pictured right).

Shibuya club activities
(Shibuya Club Activity Reform Project)

Together with several other companies, we have been offering support to students who wish to attend public junior high schools in Shibuya by providing instructors for the Digital Creative and eSports Club (formerly the Computer Club) since 2021. Starting in the 2023-24 school year, the club was renamed the Digital Creative Club and the entire course is run using only the curriculum provided by our company.

The club members are highly interested in digital creation involving programming and games. In addition to text programming, programming for our autonomous conversation robot “Romi”, and design production, we began offering a wider range of content in 2023, which includes machine learning and sound production.

Classroom support for private junior high schools in Shibuya

We provide support to a number of private junior high schools in Shibuya by dispatching instructors and providing a curriculum.

The schools where we provide support have knowledgeable and passionate teachers who excel at conducting programming classes using the original learning materials and insight we provide. Only the first day is taught by one of our employees. (pictured above)

Activity example at Jissen Joshi Gakuen Junior & Senior High School (Japanese only) https://mixi.co.jp/sustainability/report/2021/1201/2205/

Support for computer clubs at private junior high schools in Shibuya

In addition to dispatching instructors to computer clubs at a number of private junior high schools in Shibuya, we also provide a more specialized curriculum.

At a school with a popular game development club, we put on a workshop that explored how to make a game using a game engine, as well as Python programming and web development.

Activity example at Shibuya Junior & Senior High School (Japanese only)