MIXI, Inc.


Materiality information and SDG relevance

Considering the impact on our corporate activities and stakeholders, we have referenced SDGs and the Global Risks Report to establish eight materialities as themes to implement throughout our corporate activities. As a company that produces communication services, we create connections among people, communities, and society, and promote innovation as a source of creating value, while at the same time making sincere efforts to operate reliable services. We will also promote the reinforcement and improvement of our management foundation in terms of information security and privacy, the activities of our diverse human resources, and governance.

Our Eight Focus Themes (Materialities)

Materialities MIXI Initiatives Related SDGs
Creation of spaces and opportunities for communication
Communication is one of the values our company was founded on and, through the provision of communication services, we strive to solve various social issues such as isolation.
Promotion of
We strive to develop products and services that not only innovate in the field of technology but promote positive cultural changes in society.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
We believe that our human resources are our greatest asset. We strive to create a comfortable work environment for our employees, recruit diverse talents, and help develop their skills so that they can express their individuality and play active roles in the company.
Mutual prosperity with
local communities
Through various corporate and social initiatives, we will contribute to the economic, educational, and cultural revitalization of regions, and work toward mutual growth and development alongside residents.
Operation of wholesome
IT services
Operating our services in a manner that protects underage users and prevents cybercrimes, money laundering, and other criminal activity is a responsibility we take very seriously.
Safe and secure operation of sporting and other events
We ensure the safety and security of our operations by aligning with industry regulations and taking appropriate measures to prevent terrorism, violence, and crime.
Information security
and privacy
To ensure the long-term peace of mind of our users, we have taken the initiative against cyber-attacks and data leaks through the implementation of appropriate information management practices.
Strengthening of governance
We will strive to realize highly reliable and transparent management for our shareholders, users, employees, and other stakeholders.In addition, we strive to stay prepared through measures such as BCP maintenance so we are able to continue providing our services even in the event of an emergency.

Other Important Themes

Important Themes MIXI Initiatives Related SDGs
TCFD and the
We strive to reduce our environmental impact to help prevent climate change. In support of the TCFD’s recommendations, we also seek to collect climate change-related information, promote related initiatives, and disclose information in an appropriate manner.