MIXI, Inc.


Promotion of Health Management

Health Management Declaration

MIXI’s mission is to create spaces and opportunities for hearts and minds to connect and aims to create communication services that surprise our users and exceed their expectations.

In order to provide exciting services and increase employee engagement and corporate value, we believe it is important to create an environment which supports the physical and mental health of all our employees and allows them to perform at their highest level.We’re working to achieve this by strengthening our industrial health system and promoting various measures to address health issues.

With the remote work structure we began using in 2020, I feel that health care has become more important than ever before. Fewer opportunities for face-to-face communication can easily bring feelings of isolation and working from home can lead to a lack of exercise.

We hereby declare that, as a growing company, we will continue to promote health management measures that maximize happiness for our employees and their families in a changing world. These efforts are led by the Wellness Promotion Group, which is responsible for industrial health.

Hiroyuki Osawa CFO, Chief of Health Management

Promotion Structure

Health Initiatives

1.Prevention and early detection of mental issues

|Encouraging awareness of physical health through one-on-one meetings
One-on-one meetings are a part of MIXI’s work culture. Communication training is conducted regularly, teaching participants how to break down communication barriers between the parties involved and encouraging supervisors to check on the physical health of their subordinates when catching up.

|E-learning (for managers and all employees)
We offer video training programs, including one titled “Mental Health Care during Remote Work.”

|Training for new managers
We provide training on all aspects of work, recruitment, and evaluation. In addition, we distribute a document called “Caring for Your Team Members”, which consolidates information on mental health care for subordinates.

|New employee training
Self-care training is provided at orientation for new graduates, as well as for mid-career recruits when they enter the company.

|Interviews with industrial physicians and public health nurses
We have dedicated industrial physicians specializing in mental health and full-time public health nurses.

|Health consultation service (general consultation)
We have established an internal contact desk staffed by personnel and labor relations staff and an external contact desk staffed by senior industrial counselors. Subsidy support for the consultation room is established by the Japan Industrial Counselors Association.

|Stress check
Examinations and organizational analysis are conducted once a year. The examination can be taken at any time as a self-check tool.
From a 93.5% response rate in 2021, 10.1% of respondents registered a high level of stress

|Follow-ups for employees on leave due to injury or illness
Regular interviews are conducted with employees on leave and we provide support for them to return to work.
0.9% temporary leave rate for employees with mental health issues in 2021

|Relaxation Space
A massage room is available at the head office. (Reservations required / maximum 30 minutes per session)

|Circles and subsidy support for social gatherings
This policy is aimed at stimulating communication outside of work. Many employees take advantage of this policy to stimulate interaction across departments and job categories.

Massage room
One-on-one meeting (example)

2.Prevention of illness

|Promotion of regular health checkups
A regular health checkup is conducted between August and November each year.
In 2021, 100% of employees received a health checkup. 66.7% of employees have an appropriate BMI, 21.9% exercise regularly, and 17.0% smoke.

|Subsidy support for gynecological examinations
We provide subsidies up to a certain amount for gynecological checkups in conjunction with regular checkups.

|Specific health guidance
To prevent lifestyle-related diseases, we share the results of health checkups and information about those who qualify for specific health guidance with the health insurance association.

|Encouraging employees to receive follow-up examinations when recommended after initial health examinations
A dedicated industrial physician checks the results of health examinations for all employees and, if necessary, recommends further examinations by email or conducts individual interviews.

|E-learning (for all employees)
The video training we provide includes a course on the proper understanding and prevention of lifestyle-related diseases.

|Provision of information on lifestyle-related disease prevention
Updated monthly; topics include promoting stairway use, smoking risks, etc.

|Employee cafeteria (buffet + fixed daily menu)
Open weekdays from 11:00 to 16:00.
A menu with options selected by nutritionists is posted in advance, along with an example of a nutritionally-balanced meal under 500 kcal. There is also a selection of soups that help with daily servings of vegetables.

|Morning exercise
Video instruction detailing simple exercises and stretches to maintain and improve health.

| Height-adjustable desks and Aeron chairs
Installed in the office. (Aeron chairs are only installed at the head office)

|Influenza vaccinations
In order to prevent the spread of seasonal influenza, vaccination sessions are held in company meeting rooms.

|Information on rubella antibody testing
Optional testing is provided with physical examinations.

Employee cafeteria
Height-adjustable desks/Aeron chairs

3.Initiatives to create an environment that is easy to work in and makes it easy to take time off

|Flextime system
Employees can adjust their work day’s start and end time as needed, provided their work day includes the core time of 12:00-15:00.
The goal of the flextime system is to allow employees to balance their work and private lives, increase their sense of fulfillment, and to discourage unnecessarily long working hours. Those who work shorter hours can also take advantage of the flextime system.

|Paid leave
Paid vacations are granted after three months of employment. Of the annual paid leave granted during a single fiscal year, up to two days worth of time may be taken through increments of one hour.
Average number of days taken for paid leave in 2021: 12.00

|Reserve leave
We have introduced a system that allows employees to accumulate up to 40 days of expired paid leave that they can use for specified reasons.

|Marble work style
Marble work blends remote and office work. The number of days employees must come to the office is determined by their department.
We believe that allowing work style flexibility expands our employees’ housing options and allows us to adapt to the diverse lifestyles of our employees.

|Measures to prevent unnecessarily-long working hours
The Overtime Management Team monitors work conditions, alerts employees of overwork, and responds to inquiries.
Employees who have worked a certain number of hours are interviewed by industrial physicians to check their physical condition.

Health Management Awards and Recognition

|Recognized by the 2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (Large Enterprise Category)
On March 8, 2023, MIXI was recognized by the 2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (Large Enterprise Category), a system for certifying organizations for having excellent health management practices, established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).

Specifically, the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program recognizes corporations that are strategically engaged in employee health management from a managerial perspective, based on initiatives that address local health issues and health promotion efforts promoted by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council).

We will continue to promote health management to create an attractive workplace where employees can continue to work in good physical and mental health.

|Silver rating for excellent employee health
MIXI registered a “Healthy Business Declaration” with the Tokyo Federation of the National Federation of Health Insurance Societies, and after evaluation of our proactive initiatives towards health management, we were awarded a silver rating for excellent employee health on November 2, 2022.
We are dedicated to introducing further health measures that will lead to the happiness of our employees and their families.

Healthy Business Declaration

  • 100% of employees undergo regular health checkups
  • Health checkup results are put to practical use
  • Work environment that promotes health
  • Nutrition initiatives
  • Exercise initiatives
  • Anti-smoking initiatives
  • Mental health initiatives